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Last station


Weather was bloody hot lust,
Everywhere had been filled with a wet lassitude
City was fearless...
The playful trees in each other’s arms,
were looking in pigeon’s wooing.

Earth needed an outbreak
When,women dishevel her golden hair in the wind,
Heaven screamed out of jealousy.
Hot fever soils, cooled off in a woman’s fresh breathe.
She put down her blue luggage and dandelion flower danced in the air.

They had been told her that behind the rivers and bushes,
She will find her house ,
After a meandering road of patience and waiting.

She knew that she had come a long way.
Star shone in the men’s eyes
When the woman with the right height
Answered his smile
I am the green's house tenant
I've rented a room, behind of canaries’ song. She said.
At night,
When the first precipitate and sleepless star came to visit her
When, Crickets and weapons,
Start singing together
She realized that here,
Is the land of lovable gendarmes.

A place where,
Once in a year
Rain makes love to land
And sun, like a profligate prostitute
Give her body to everyone,
But keep her soul, only for herself.

They implant hate and harvest love,
Doesn’t have grey sunset, and cold sunrise
And their men,
So much easier than she thinks, fall in love
In a woman, who has full lips and round breast.

"Mi casa es tu casa"
Her neighbor said
Then touched her cross.

At dawn time,
In hearing of happy cries out women
Who’s coming back of cruel men’s fiesta
In her virginally loneliness, though;
I am in the land of sleepy eagle
Whose have desire of hunting the white rabbit
She was in lazy drunken siesta
With her short skirts, dancing with flamenco tone, in humid river walk.

Woman could here tip toe of happiness
Entering to her life without permission
And drink her tea.
Opened her luggage, put a mirror on the wall and said:
I will plant my luggage in the garden of green house
I’ve got to my distention
To the last station.





Beautiful Women


She was beautiful
When she was dancing
It was her way of praying
She was ugly
When she was alone
It was her way of suffering
She was women
When she was in love
It was her way of Being.

 Katayun Firuzi © 2014

The House of sun


How impatiently, I want you!

Your veil look,


I know, under your frozen words

There is a phoenix

Who’s been buried alive.

There is no serenity

And distance

Is useless experience.

All mountains

Are frozen

They’re remoteness

And life gets empty

Of any salut

How impatiently, I want you!

And how hurtful

Is your love


My destiny

Was a sonnet of pain


On the lips

Of wild amaryllis.

Your eyes told me,

Sorrow, is the preach

Of an upcoming spring.

How impatiently, I want you!

To smell your mouth

When you saying

I love you.

Is an strange time

My lion

When only messenger

Can run faster

Than wind

And make the vision

Where is hope?

To call the universe

To the meeting point.

Be aware!

There is no place

For being desperate.

The resurrection

Is a panorama

On your smile.

Make a miracle,

Make a miracle.

Only your hands

Can save

The last amaryllis flower

In the court of injustice,

The place, where

Only sickle

Make a decision.

How impatiently, I want you!

And how,

Indefinite, timeless, naked

Time is passing.


I’m thinking of you

Touch your being


Cognize the universe.


 Katayun Firuzi © 2014



Valley of dolls

The lights are off
And no one look for any
Hands are closed
Lips are sewn
Eyes like two glass balls
Shining in their socket
Speechless and lifeless.
No one dance
In the music of rain
None search for golden canaries
None remember the color
Of words of love
In the cold season
The old wizard
Sitting on the top of the skyscraper
And planting 
The doll’s seeds
On the ground
In the valley of dolls
How suffer!!!!!! 
The one who is human
And full of emotion.

 Katayun Firuzi © 2014



Hush!!!! Girls doesn't scream.

In a quiet room
On the second floor
Somewhere between 13 and 15...
I hang my loneliness
To the dark night
Deep dark, with no shining star
Oh, how can I face my pain?
When there is no hope for reincarnation
I consume my soul to the last drop
Where there is no place for..Life..
Hush!!! girls doesn't scream.
Alas, my endless loneliness
How pure and deep you are
I look at the mirror
Hoping to find some reflection of being
Nothing…an empty whole
It’s all I am
Where I lost myself?
In which land?
Which night?
Which memory?
Dang, dang, dang
12 beat for 12 month
Death wants to have waltz with me
His coming, with a malefic look
I smell him, I feel him, I fear him...
I come;
I go when I finish with you
Open your legs, I want pleasure
He said:
Hush!!! girls doesn't scream.

Oh, night dark night
*Where can I hang my loneliness? *
Tired, mute and breathless
In the fever of misty gray shadow
I’m sweating slowly
Step by step.


Katayun Firuzi © 2014



Flower time

At the time of zero
Sounds doesn't make
Peace with silence
Words are waiting...
To be born
The flower of time
Is not alone
No one is alone
At the time of Zero.

Katayun Firuzi © 2014




House under fire

Where is the war?...
In my house?
In your house?
Obviously your enemy,
Is my enemy,
Our common pain,
Dear stranger,
Never forget,
The canebrake,
In other side of river.
The mysterious lagoon beach,
The plays in the,
Grain fields,
The hidden kisses,
Under the moonlight dance,
The first,
Forbidden fruit.
I'm writing to you,
My dear stranger,
To tell you,
We need two heart for surviving,
One, who loves,
One, to beloved,
One, who gives,
One, who gets,
One, who asks,
One ,who answers.
The tears in your eyes,
Will gets dry,
Soon, star will born
And your breast,
Will give light
To the child,
Who has never born.
My dear stranger,
I'm writing to you,
Your enemy is my enemy.
Your eyes,
Your hands,
Your heart,
Is an ode to the mankind.
My dear stranger.

Katayun Firuzi © 2014





Reality was surfing,
On the wave of,
Life was silent,
love was suspended,
Words were frozen.
Way was dead-end,
Nothing was left,
Except and old light,
Of Caravan.
Was standing ,
outside of time.
Anything was attaching to nothing,
Dreams were broken,
Under the cold breath,
Of the lost souls.
The voice of ringing Module,
like heavy stream,
Was sliding along
On the mirage.
Nothing could attach to anything.
It was a time of


Katayun Firuzi © 2014



Flower of light

In the darkness of night
Flower of light
Standing alone
And her petals
Motionless smiles
Oh, god !!!
Flowers shouldn't be alone
While silence
Covering the world 
In the darkness of night
Flower of light
Shining alone
And nigresence
Hopeless and tired
Sweeping away
Oh, god !!!
Flowers shouldn't be alone
While sadness
Coloring the soul
In the darkness of night
Flower of light
Dreaming of 
Acacia dance
In the tomorrow's 
Morning breeze. 
Oh, god !!!
Flowers shouldn't be alone
While words
Taking too much space
Flower of night
In the silence of dark
Blossoming light
Oh, god !!!

Katayun Firuzi © 2014





La vida


Se dice que la vida es disfrutar un cigarro después de efectuar el sexo.

Se dice que la vida es gozar del aroma de un té caliente en una noche fría e invernal.

La vida es una mañana húmeda que nace con los ladridos del perro de la vecina.

Una música triste como el murmullo del agua en un arrollo.

Escuche que la vida también se enamora,

Se enamora a una chica que en un tarde calurosa de primavera,

Disfruta su primer beso, en el jardín de su casa.

Me dijeron que la vida es, las manos fuertes y poderosas de un hombre,

 Que acarician tus hombros y excitadas y presurosas,

Buscan la redondez de tus pechos.

La vida es un instante horrible en un cuarto obscuro cuyo único acompañante es un radio

Pequeño que da noticias triste.

Los sabios dicen también , que la vida es un rio eterno, misterio

Que tiene una aventura en cada recodo de su recorrido.

A veces pienso que la vida es la hoja pequeña de un olmo

Que al caer en la fuente oprimida y marchita se agita y se destruye.

Mi madre decía, la vida es un niño distraído que se esconde en las faldas de su madre.

Y mi padre murmuraba, la vida es una mujer con piernas bonitas.

Y yo sinceramente  pensaba, la vida es el momento, en que la respiración ardiente de un hombre quema tu cuello, Y tu corazón empieza a palpitar de felicidad.

Y como una niña al cerrar mis ojos, siento que su voz de negro terciopelo  penetra en mi cuerpo y me transporta al infinito de la dicha.

La vida es un estuche de recuerdos.

Recuerdos de sufrir en la casa de un hombre, que apeste a whisky y cigarro y olvida su cinturón en la casa de otras mujeres.

La vida es un paisaje triste, cuando tu hijo no está entre los soldados que regresen desde  una guerra.

A veces, vi que la vida simplemente es una vacuna contra la polio.

Y como una tonta, pensaba, que la vida era solamente tener y no tener.

Tener un pescado rojo en la jarra de vidrio transparente que continuamente abre y cierra su boca como queriéndote decir algo.

Y no tener un hijo, que con su llanto requiere tu atención con egoísmo.

Tener una vecina celosa de ti y tus geranios.

Mi mejor amiga decía, la vida es coquetear con el esposo de tu amiga, cuando ella está en la cocina, cocinando la cena.

Los cuchicheos  de los hombres decían, la vida es perdonar después de ejecutar.

Supieron también, que la vida es baile del viento entre las faldas cortas de las mujeres.

Y entre todas  las lágrimas, rizas, amores, odios,

 Mi razón para idolatrar  la vida, era el calor de las yemas de tus dedos, por el roce de las cuerdas de una guitarra, que transmiten a mis labios el calor de una estrella.


Katayun Firuzi © 2014





Voice of Silence


in the magic of his hands,
an elusive memory,
experiencing the night,...
that we made love,
where and when?
can not tell,
it was out of time ,
and space,
somewhere between,
going and remaining,
the red fish of our love,
walking fast through the surface,
to feel the first ray of sunlight.
from the window of his being,
i look at the green bride,
of future spring.
spring will come,
will come,
spell of his silence,
will break.

KatayunFiruzi © 2014


Crystal heart

In the border of his eyes,
Walls are tall,
In the aurora of his being,
Doors are closed.
is there any happiness
Lives inside these walls?
And regrets?
The reason for his silence?
The walls and eyes,
An unknown disappointment,
Meeting each other,
In a place where sky,
is a prisoner,
Of a crystal heart.

Katayun Firuzi © 2014



Silence of Love


The color of love
Is getting dark
And his heart
Where was my refuge
Is bleeding....
Never ask, he said
Never doubt, he asked
Be with me in silence of love.


Katayun Firuzi © 2014



I will go 

I will go
Like a light cloud
Over the ocean
From a rainy house ...
In the crying season
To the brightening days
I will go
In the heat of summer
To the face of fire
I will say
Farewell ...
To the captivity
I will go,
To the new born beauty
Far away
From night and darkness
Fever and illness
Suffer and misery
Away from plots
I will go
Far, far away
Away from hidden pain
Away from soul permutation
I will go
To plant a wish
To happiness
I will go,
By fire.


Katayun Firuzi © 2014




Geranium Flowers


My Geranium Flowers
In the dream,
Of touching,
By your hands
Are blossoming...
Be Patience,
Dawn is near
Put your feet
On my eyes
And turn on
The light
Of my heart
There is a window
Waiting for you.

 Katayun Firuzi © 2014




My Enemy

I love him,
Because i know him.
City is full of,...
Estrangement and hatred,
When i touch,
His kind eyes
With my caressing lips
i feel,
His endless,
His sorrow,
Is a pleasing sunset
in the roving.
Just like his happiness,
Which is full of,
All sunrises,
Breakfast with warm bread,
And a window,
Through to our fusion.
I love him,
I told him,
Tonight i will,
Write a poem for you,
As Buddha,
Wrote for Nirvana.
If i tell him,
That paradise,
Is an accident,
And Moses,
Never been kissed,
And Mohammad,
Never fly,
And Christ,
Never Born,
He smiles,
And grief,
Comes to his Being.
And, i know
love is only a drive,
And he knows,
Love, is not,
A destination.
I dived deep on him,
Then i realized,
I can not escape from him.
I had been captivated
By my dearest Enemy.

Katayun Firuzi© 2014





I am a relative
With the soil and wind
In the pain of growing
Fear was my only mate
And darkness of stone
Was my ruthless destination
My death is not a voyage 
Is, my refugee
From the land 
That I didn’t like
Because of his people
When I became one I them?
I do not have wings
To fly
I’m full of dreams
As wider as naked sky
In the far away,

 Katayun Firuzi © 2014




Cloud's Field

I just ,passed by
Of a cloudy farm
The one that you planted
For my love,
You said;
When sky and soil
Makes love
Clouds will blossoms
And you will dance
Under the thunder 
Sunlight rain.
You said;
That day, 
You will come
And you will gift me
Pair of black cherry earing.
Years passed by,
And still,
I remember
A Boy
Who used to touch my lips
With the kisses
As soft as cloudy cottons.

 Katayun Firuzi © 2014



Moonlight dance


His lips are gate of

 Passion and prayer.

I wish to pray on them,

 It’s my shrine and I’m a faithful pilgrim of his needs.

His mouth is a window to my soul

I screamed my existence

From the window of my soul,

And I graft myself

 To fire, water, and earth.

His body is my guilty pleasure

The sacred secret of

 My femininity.

The mystic river of ‘’to be’’

In a place where ‘to be’’ just by ‘being’’ is a great sin.

I kept my virginity under my skin,

 Waiting to be touched by his stunning gaze.

I love silence

 When he invites me to be part of it.

At night,

 When he takes me

To the moonlight dance,

I’m looking at him,

Feel him down deep,


“I have a dream of nonstop dance in happiness. ‘’


Katayun Firuzi © 2014


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